
So this is my first entry and I get to relax because of hurricane Sandy. All I have really written are poems, that I have used as therapy in the last 4 years. They are special to me and they all describe something that touched me deeply. I have never been a good writer but maybe I have focus to much on what the reader thinks. Lately I have grown so much and I'm beginning to really get to know who I am. Its been an amazing journey and I didn't have to do it alone. This past weekend my girlfriend got us tickets to see Wicked in Baltimore. The last show I had seen was The phantom of the Opera in NYC. I really liked it because it showed the true meaning of love but at the same time human emotions like jealousy and passion. I absolutely fell in love with wicked and felt connected from the beginning. Its funny how much we can relate to something that seems so childish and imaginary. Yet it made perfect sense to me, it reminded me how we have choices that make us into who we are.
The good witch showed me that is never to late to change and do good, which usually starts by making the right choices. The wicked witch showed me that it takes a strong character to stand up for what you believe in and be who you really are. It showed that sometimes the hardest thing is usually the right thing. The most precious message I learned from this show is the true meaning of friendship. When the witches sing each other the "For good" song. The following verse really touched me......... "I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you..." I feel like that about so many people who have come in and out of my life, but only one stood out in my mind. A good friend who came into my life in 2009 and has shown me what true friendship is and even tough we had our ups and downs. I will always cherish her and know I am better because I knew her.